"You mustn't kill time, boys, you must cherish it. Seize the day! Can I have some change to go get loaded?"
--a bum gives some advice to Bart and Milhouse

Time is a heartless bitch-goddess. Oh, how I loathe her.

Did you hear that? That's the sound of your arteries hardening. Don't eat too much birthday cake; gotta watch that cholesterol. Good morning, Sunshine! You are now one day older and closer to death. Have you crapped you pants yet? Not since you were an infant, you say. Wait. Time will fix that. Tick tock. Tick tock. Don't sleep. NEVER SLEEP. Sleep are those little slices of Death¹. Think, instead. If there was a way in, there must be a way out. Surely, you've realized that by now.

My advice: Kill time before it kills you (and then tell me how you did it).

¹ stolen from Edgar Allan Poe, I believe.