Aesop rock is an impeccable MC from
Manhattan. He has been on the scene for a while now, releasing such efforts as "Music for Earthworms" and "Appleseed." But it's with his latest album, Labor Days that he truly shines.
His lyrical ability is intense, but it is in the way he delivers them to the audience that keeps you dieing for him to just keep flowing. He has been featured on a long list of track's with other artists, however, it is his major two LP's that I shall focus on, briefly, here.
Float was the first cd I got of his a couple of years ago. It is an incredible album, with every style of music all wrapped up in it, and Omega-1 has some whacky scratches that make it all come together brilliantly. Blockhead provides some mighty fine beats as well.
FLOAT Vocals by: Aesop Rock Tracks 1,3,4,8,11,15,16,and 20 produced by Aesop Rock. Tracks 2,5,6,7,9,12,13,14,17,18,19 produced by Blockhead. Track 10 produced by Omega Guest Vocals on Track 5 by
Slug. Guest Vocals on track 14 by Vastaire(of
Cannibal Ox) Guest Vocals on track 18 by Dos
Labor DaysGuest Vocals on Track 6 by Illogic Guest Vocals on Track 11 by C-Ray Walz
- Labor
- Daylight
- Save Yourself
- Flashflood
- No Regrets
- One Brick
- The Tugboat Complex Part 3
- Coma
- Battery
- Boombox
- Bent Life
- The Yes and the Y'all
- The 9-5ers Anthem
- Shovel
Some brief passages:
"Hey look, I ain't ever had a dream in my life, 'cause a dream is what you want to do but still haven't pursued. I knew what I wanted and I did it till it was done so I've been the dream that I wanted from day one"-No Regrets
"All I ever wanted was to pick apart the day and put the pices back together my way."-Daylight
"We the american working population hate the fact that eight hours a day is wasted on chasing the dream of someone that isn't us. And we may not hate out jobs, but we hate jobs in general that don't have to do with fighting our own causes. Yes, we the american population hate the 9 to 5, day in day out, while we'd rather be supporting oursleves by being payed to perfect the pastimes that make us smile if it sounds dope.
There's more to come.