It's been nearly a decade since I was actually a teenager and, while this may seem like a very short time to some you, I can hardly remember what it felt like to be a teenager. I was subbing again for a P.E. class and on the computer where the teachers keep there grades, I found these documents which I can only assume are the diaries of a young teen drowning in the sea of high school life.


My mother always told me to be a special person. I usually responded by saying, “yes, Mom, I’ll do it tomorrow.” It seemed like an eternity, but tomorrow has finally come. I am now and currently a senior in high school and I am entitled special powers over the underclassmen; I am now able to take my idea, three years in the making, into action.

 The paperwork has been turned in, and the necessary work has been done. - I have now officially founded Competition Club. With all my years of high school club experience, and my seniority, I am a worthy leader for a club like this. Competition Club organizes students into groups and those groups will compete against each other in various events. Competition Club creates challenges for students to overcome for the sake of overcoming. In the process, the activities will promote positive values centered around accomplishment. I will be responsible for establishing and supporting these values. I am on my way to truly becoming a special person - my mother will be proud.


As an Academic Decathalete in high school, I found myself having to work with new, unfamiliar faces each year. I found that it is difficult to work with people when I know nothing about them or when they know nothing about me. But there is something that can break the strongest barriers - an immense accomplishment. During the Academic Decathalon season, I gave up my daily hygienic chores. I neither showered nor changed my underwear. I often ate loudly near others and farted silently shortly afterwards. I became an awfully obnoxious person.

My teammates had to become accustomed to me. I made sure to keep a positive attitude and I allowed them to befriend me despite my flaws. I did whatever it took to prevent myself from being ignored and forgotten. And, in time, my teammates became accustomed to me. It was difficult, but nothing that’s worthwhile is easy. My teammates and I had accomplished something, we resolved our differences, and we became good friends, not to mention I was able to shower once again.


I like sex. Although I cannot say that I have experienced it, I do predict that it will be enjoyable. I look forward to sharing my first experience with that ‘special someone’ sometime soon, but there is a problem - I am Catholic. According to my religion, I am not allowed to do the horizontal mambo until I am married. I am troubled since I am bound by my religion to wait so long, but I still abide by the rules, nonetheless. Though, upon further thought, I have come to accept that rule.

This leads me to study the writings of Soren Kierkegaard. He once wrote that choices make the man; a man should make his own choices, thus making himself. I should not obey the rules of my morals because they are forced upon me, but I should obey them because I realize it is the better thing to do. I may want sex, but I will wait. I will wait because I want to. And ever since this epiphany, the idea of choices has captivated me… along with the idea of sex.