One of the longest bus routes in East York on the TTC belongs to this run. Starting at Broadview Station, you can ride the Cosburn Bus through the ex-borough and view its aging self from many different perspectives.

The entire trip Main Street Station takes about 35 minutes if you start at Broadview, however if you can take the 87A bus, you'll see even more points of interest. (Factor an extra ten minutes into your trip for this ride)

Sights on the 87 Cosburn

Pottery Road and the Bayview Extension (at Broadview and Pottery Roads)
The Cosburn Ghetto - mmm... dumpsters and couches on the lawns (east of the O'Connor drive turn)
Pape and Cosburn
Dieppe Park (east of Donlands Ave.)
East York Lawn Bowling Club/Cosburn Middle School
East York Collegiate Institute (at Coxwell and Cosburn)
Stan Wadlow Park/East York Arena (east of Woodbine Ave.)
East York Curling Club (across from the park)
East York Acres (This is only seen if you take the 87A bus. Watch for running seniors!)
444 Lumsden (two tall apartment towers surrounded by stucco townhomes and idle thug teens)
The Eastdale Curve (Lumsden ends and Eastdale Ave. begins. Many people have taken this corner too quickly and gone flying into the valley. Note the dented guard rail.
Secord Public School - Look at all the portables! (at Barrington and Secord Avenues)
Main Street Station

Caution! Riding this bus on runs that pick up students at dismissal can be very trying on your nerves. The 87 bus passes a middle school, a large high school as well as a junior high with students notorious for their shit disturbances in the community. (I've seen passengers cry and buses stripped of ads during this time)