Ok, so these Somali pirates capture this commercial freight ship. The Captain of the ship offers himself as a hostage, and the pirates agree to trade him for their pirate buddy, but they TOTALLY have their fingers crossed - they don't release him.
Oh, you silly pirates.
Then the situation gets heated. The US Navy gets involved. The pirate ship runs out of fuel, the Captain jumps off the ship and is recaptured, and the pirates warn the US Navy that if a rescue attempt is made the results will be disasterous. The pirates say they are considering moving the Captain to another ship. What are their demands? Foreign aid to their failed state? A special squeegee to scrape the flies off their babies' faces? Food?
No! They demand 2 MILLION dollars, approximatly 5 BILLION Somali Shillings. This isn't about people pushed to the edge of poverty, this is about people wanting to kill people for a lot of money. These people have the chrome plated balls to try to play the victim while committing murder. Bullshit.
The US Navy, acting on a standing order from the President Obama, felt the Captains life was in peril, and they killed three pirates. WHEN YOU HAVE ASSAULT WEAPONS POINTED AT SOMEONE YOU ARE NOT THE VICTIM. YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE WITH A GUN. THE REST OF US RESERVE THE RIGHT TO RIP YOUR FACE OFF.
So the pirates on land, those who are benefitting from these massive payouts, have vowed to target American citizens from now on. The entire point of this note was some friendly advice to Somali Pirates. The 1st point is: Don't tell us what to do when you hold such piteously few cards. It pisses us off. The entire point of hostages is that they remain alive. Actually killing them does not further your cause.
2nd: Never underestimate our perverted, inflated sense of a measured response. If you start attacking our citizens, we tend to exact revenge on a 1 American citizen = 1 entire villiage ratio. I'm not saying it is morally correct, it isn't. But that's how we roll.
3rd: I don't give a shit what agreement we reached before the shooting started. When dealing with you, the smarter among us assume you will be a festering sack of lies and bullshit. You should assume the same about us. Your compatriots had several chances to give up and live; they still thought they were walking away rich and they got greedy. They are dead because they refused to cut their losses and admit defeat.