The Wheel of Time series is almost on par with the level of writing seen in Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series (which is the pinnacle of Fantasy, matched perhaps by only Tolkien). The books are very immersing, plunging you deep into a world finely crafted by Jordan. This series is quite amazing really. The characters are described amazingly and after the first book you feel as if you have known them your entire life. Infact you might even attempt to channel next time someone frightens you : ).

Jordan only made two eroneous descisions while working on this series:
  • Describing irrelevant items to what seems a near religion. I love the way he paints characters with depth, but there is no need to tell a character's life story when you are only going to see that person once during the entire series.
  • The series should have been closed by book nine if not before. Some sort of closure should have been provided. Robert Jordan needs to provide closure and end the series or close this chapter of the series, in books seven, eight, and nine very little actually happens in the story, most of those books seem to just follow rabbit trails.

If Jordan's next two books manage to close the series then Jordan's second error in judgement will have been made easier to accept, if it isn't ended Jordan needs to be beaten with a chair and forced to end it.
The series is definetly worth reading, if you can afford all of the books.