Stone Soup

To make this recipe you will need the following: friends, a kitchen, and a large pot (or two if some people end up being vegetarian/vegan/gluten free and others are not) and time.

First ask all to arrive within a specified window of time on an agreeable day. Sundays are good but any day will work.

Next ask everyone to bring an ingredient they like in soup. Tell the ones who plan on showing up after the first two hours of the gathering to bring a beverage or dessert. Tell your friends to bring their friends along, if they like.

On the appointed day, get your kitchen and home ready by cleaning up. Or have one of the early arrivals do that for you.

Bring out your large pot and any ingredients you might have, like stock or grains. As people arrive, chop or dice their bringings and throw it in the pot. Season to taste.

The soup is ready once all of the contents are cooked thoroughly.

Let all take as much as they need but no more, no less.

The Stone Soup may end up looking ugly but it is magic because it can change you.

Keep it going by planning the next Stone Soup.