user since
Sun Feb 3 2002 at 03:47:16 (23.1 years ago )
last seen
Sun Dec 9 2007 at 21:36:16 (17.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
15 - View chisel's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 160
mission drive within everything
To trank out just one freak on stilts.
right here
But nobody else was doing it!
most recent writeup
Love Psychedelico
Send private message to chisel

EKW is good.

(for best results, turn off the softlink gradient)

Functional Blue/Green
ekw_headingfont="sans-serif"; ekw_logofont="monospace"; ekw_textfont="sans-serif"; ekw_monofont="monospace"; ekw_textfontsize="12pt"; ekw_monofontsize="12pt"; ekw_logofontsize="18pt"; ekw_logobackground="#229933"; ekw_logomaintext="#000000"; ekw_logoaccenttext="#ffffff"; ekw_logoborder="#ffffff"; ekw_bgcolor="#113366"; ekw_textcolor="#ffffff"; ekw_oddrowcolor="#229933"; ekw_linkcolor="#aaaaff"; ekw_vlinkcolor="#9999cc"; ekw_alinkcolor="#ffffff";
Aquaphobia (FBG, without the G)
My new colors. Same as above, but more blue.
ekw_headingfont="serif"; ekw_logofont="monospace"; ekw_textfont="sans-serif"; ekw_monofont="monospace"; ekw_textfontsize="11pt"; ekw_monofontsize="11pt"; ekw_logofontsize="20pt"; ekw_textcolor="#ffffff"; ekw_bgcolor="#113366"; ekw_linkcolor="#aaaaff"; ekw_alinkcolor="#ffffff"; ekw_vlinkcolor="#9999cc"; ekw_logomaintext="#000000"; ekw_logoaccenttext="#ffffff"; ekw_logobackground="#2299cc"; ekw_logoborder="#ffffff"; ekw_oddrowcolor="#194488";

I'm using TanisNikana's 24 scheme now.


my website



function fixlinks() {
        re = /\?node=(http%3A.*)/;
        links = document.links;
        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
                match = re.exec(links[i].href);
                if (match) {
                        href = match[1].split("&lastnode_id=")[0];

                        // Ugh. Is there any decent JavaScript equivalent
                        // of s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr hex $1/eg?
                        href = href.replace(/%26/ig, "&");
                        href = href.replace(/%2F/ig, "/");
                        href = href.replace(/%3A/ig, ":");
                        href = href.replace(/%3F/ig, "?");
                        href = href.replace(/%40/ig, "@");
                        href = href.replace(/%7E/ig, "~");
                        links[i].href = href;

/* This only changes the links that appear "above" the notelet. In other words,
if you want outside links to work in the chatterbox, you'll have to put the
chatterbox before the notelet. You could also have a button or link, i.e.
        <a href="javascript:fixlinks()">Fix outside links</a>
which has the advantage of not running the script all the time, but then, if
you want to follow an external link you'll have to click two things instead
of one. Your notelet, your choice. */

Btw, the character limit is silly... <script type="text/javascript" src="http://some.url/path/to/file.js"></script> does so much in so little space.

Teh list0r

Some of my bookmarks are funny, some are stupid, some are just good, and some are there because I might make a writeup there sometime. I make no guarantees.
And none are about McDonald's products for some reason.