user since
Wed Jul 15 1998 at 18:13:48 (26 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jul 8 2002 at 03:32:30 (22.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
2 - View caferace's writeups (feed)
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Marc Andreessen
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These days I work for Netscape as a lead QA Engineer on Website Applications. Please don't tell anyone... :) My favorite beer is Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome Ale. Feel free to buy me some, next time you stumble over me.

Ages ago, I. worked as Director of Technology for a now (mostly) defunct startup called Electric Minds.

Prior to eMinds, I was a network design freak for MCI Communications for nearly 10 years.

Interspersed with all that hoo-ha, I dabbled with j.obs from record shop sales geek to hod carrier to construction foreman. Go figure....

I don't like startups anymore..... see: burnout or old - - - - - >.