user since
Tue Oct 6 1998 at 16:07:54 (25.9 years ago )
last seen
Wed May 27 2009 at 13:21:12 (15.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
1 - View billmarrs's writeups (feed)
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 5
most recent writeup
Used Game Trading Zone
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I am a programmer who has created a few interactive website's. The main two sites are Survey Central and Game Trading Zone. I have a one-man company, Kenyon Hill LLC. I'm trying to eek out a living running small websites like these. I haven't been especially successful income-wise. But, I've met a lot of great people online and I continue to receive support from friends and family.

I use Perl to create both of the above sites, so I guess that makes me a perl hacker, though I still don't feel like I know Perl. I'm more interested in PHP these days. My new sites are in PHP 5. I also use MySQL and Linux.

I am a graduate of WPI and I have many geek friends. I was born and raised in Framingham, MA. I currently live in a rural town in New Hampshire. I'm married. We have 2 cats and lots of fish, but no children.

I apologize to the E2 community for posting mainly self-promotional stuff here. Originally, I intended to post more, but it never happened. I noticed the pages here come up in a Google search recently, so I came back to clean them up a little.