The Celestine Prophecy, while written as a fictional story, is based upon a philosophical manuscript that draws attention to nine insights. The author, James Redfield, takes the reader upon a journey of self-awareness and spiritual growth. Through evaluating the coincidences that occur in our daily lives, we become conscious of the path the universe has chosen for us and become one step closer to the true purpose of our lives. Opening oneself to the universal energy that surrounds you is the basis upon which you can achieve a higher level of consciousness and a new perspective on who you are and why you are here. Way too often, we turn away from the universal energy and in turn feel weakened and anxious and try to draw it from others. This competition for energy is a main cause for our conflicts and restlessness. Once we learn to use this energy creatively and in a healing manner, instead of like a bull in a china shop, we can overcome many conflicts and achieve inner peace.