The six hyperbolic functions are as follows:

The inverses of these functions are denoted:

NB: The f-1 notation here implies inverse function, as opposed to f raised to the power of -1.

They are defined, in terms of e, in the following way:

          ez - e-z
sinh(z) = --------

          ez + e-z
cosh(z) = --------

          sinh(z)   ez - e-z    e2z - 1
tanh(z) = ------- = -------- = --------
          cosh(z)   ez + e-z    e2z + 1

sech(z) = --------
          ez + e-z

csch(z) = --------
          ez - e-z

          cosh(z)   ez + e-z    e2z + 1
coth(z) = ------- = -------- = --------
          sinh(z)   ez - e-z    e2z - 1

The following relationships exist between the functions:

    sinh(z) = -sinh(-z)
    cosh(z) = cosh(-z)
For purely imaginary arguments,
    sinh(iz) = isin(z)
    cosh(iz) = cos(z)

Many of the trigonometric identities can be easily transferred to hyperbolic functions, through the use of Osborne's rule.

Some examples are:

    cosh2(x) - sinh2(x) = 1
    cosh(x) + sinh(x) = ex
    cosh(x) - sinh(x) = e-x

For further manipulation of hyperbolic functions one may use the Half Angle Formulae and Double Angle Formulae.