There was also a large number of people who were part of the "Viper" sub-culture with a great selection of slang-words for their favorite past-time... Smoking the green.

A few slang words that I was able to pick up off of a CD called Rare Reefer Tracks that is a large colection of Viper jazz songs.

High: As in "getting high" or "I'm so high"
Dry: A referance to the effect of "cotton mouth." Often used as a substitute for "High"
Loaded: "Jack, I'm loaded" = "Man, I am high"
Viper: as in "He is a Viper." One who smokes gage. Usually also a member of the Jazz sub-culture.
Moogle or Muggle:
1. A person who smokes gage but is not a Cool Cat or a viper
2. A joint
Tea: Marijuana
Gage: Marijuana
Blow some gage: Smoke some marijuana
Mary-Jane: Still in use but I have a 1930 song with this as the title.