Listening to a Macintosh user say something offhand about his Internet connection, I know that I'll need to prepare for an unexpected opportunity, for my by-far-larger-than-me-competitor is going to go under soon.

Seeing just a closed door, I know my high school principal is having an affair and will be getting divorced and re-married by the time prom rolls around.

Knowing which personal quirks to play up for men and which quirks to play down for women and finding nothing remotely sexist about it...because they find nothing remotely sexist about it.

Watching the body language of someone I find attractive, I know just the right thing to say to get us to the point where I'll be able to put my tongue in just the right place so he'll give me a secret and special smile.

Feeling the pain of another, I am able to share it, for a burden shared is a burden lightened.

Reading about another noder's experiences, I am able to draw wisdom from them, almost as if I were right there beside them.

Imagine the possibility, then make it a reality.