Ven"tral (?), a. [L. ventralis, fr. venter the belly; perhaps akin to G. wanst: cf. F. ventral.]

1. Anat.

Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the belly, or ventral side, of an animal or of one of its parts; hemal; abdominal; as, the ventral fin of a fish; the ventral root of a spinal nerve; -- opposed to dorsal.

2. Bot. (a)

Of or pertaining to that surface of a carpel, petal, etc., which faces toward the center of a flower.


Of or pertaining to the lower side or surface of a creeping moss or other low flowerless plant. Opposed to dorsal.

Ventral fins Zool., the posterior pair of fins of a fish. They are often situated beneath the belly, but sometimes beneath the throat. -- Ventral segment. Acoustics See Loop, n., 5.


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