What is a Micro Scooter

A Micro Scooter is a two-wheeled, non-powered scooter. It doesn't have an engine (a small scooter with an engine is a Go-Ped. Movement is created by the driver, who pushes with a foot. Imagine a scateboard with only 2 wheels, with handlebars. The whole thing is usually made in tasteful aluminium.

Other common features include

  • a brake (a sprung metal hinge thing above the rear wheel, which you push down to slow and stop.)
  • Folding. Most models incorporate a handlebar which folds down, thus making the Micro Scooter small enough to fit into a small rucksack.

How much do they cost?

Prices vary, but expect to pay between £40 and £100, depending on size and make.

Who buys them?

Apparently everyone. Personally I don't have one (see the point below, "Are they Cool?"). From personal observation around a few towns, loads of kids (i.e. 5 - 13 year olds) have one. It's like the skateboard of 2000. In their early days, they were mostly purchased by busy city types hoping to scoot through the busy city streets. I've seen TV footage of exactly this happening. Perhaps a user from London can confirm or deny this. I know for a fact that a Vicar in Blandford (Dorset, UK) own one, and rides on it to Church.

Are they cool?


This is the big point of contention. Kids think they're cool. For now. But then so is Pokemon. So were Yo Yos 2 years ago (and 15 years ago). So were skateboards when I was young(er).

Adults are less sure. Since their popular introduction, it seems that the city businessman has become embarrassed at the sheer popularity of the Micro Scooter, and it now lives in a cupboard. I know when I first saw one I thought "That's a good idea" and thought about buying one. I didn't though. Now, if I had, I would be ashamed to be seen on it. It's been over-popularised. They are seen and sold everywhere. The little shop in the building in which I work (the shop is like a small Post Office / Newsagent that sells magazines, newspapers and sweets) seems to stock this kind of fad. Last year they started selling Beanie Babies, now they sell Micro Scooters. Somehow that feels wrong and off-putting.


I think Micro Scooters would be cool if there was still an element of elitism. If you're going to scoot around, you want people to look at you and say, "Wow, what a cool idea", rather than "Sheesh, not another one"