There is not much point in explaining the "hour-glass figure" since it is produced, presumably, merely by the gracile female needing wide hips in order to give birth.
Much more remarkable are:
- The cantilever made by the base of the spine connecting the iliac crest and the rib cage.
- The permanent breasts - made permanent by a mass of adipose tissue - unlike, say, chimpanzees, which only have breasts when lactating.
The remarkable nature of the cantilever and permanent breasts is seen in the figure:
Ascii art showing a female form illustrating the forwardly projecting cantilever and the breasts at the furthest forward point.
Discussion of Female Buttocks: Their Calypygosity.
This is not really the place to explain the largeness of the female behind. However Sporus hesitates that it is a camel's hump, a food store allowing the gracile female to survive fasts. This assumes the woman lacks canibalisable tissue on account of being slender. The human is seen here as an organism adapted to long fasts. See Bottom.
The positioning of the camel's hump is forced by biomechanics: Higher up puts a load on the spine. Lower down and it is as though one were wearing lead shoes, energy is wasted during the varieties of locomotion.
Overbalancing Backwards
Please see the figure linked here, the herein is much more intelligible with it:
- The first figure is a basic sort of thing, deemed a reasonable starting point.
- The second figure includes a large set of buttocks. It is seen that the figure must now overbalance backwards unless a remedy is immediately sought.
- To counter-balance the great nates a forwardly directed cantilever is placed in the base of the spine. This throws the torso and head forward, bringing the centre of gravity back over the feet.
- But the cantilever is famously a highly stressed structure and it is currently too long. To remedy this some of the weight is removed from the nates and placed instead on the furthest forward point of the body - it becomes the breasts. It needs to go as far forward as possible since its job is to bring the weight forward. With this counter balancing it is possible to reduce the length of the cantilever and this expensive structure is made evolutionarily more parsimonious requiring less reinforcement of its bone and sinew.
The hips are rotated forward relative to the male facilitating the joining of the cantilever thereunto and also moving the buttocks forward, mitigating slightly the backward overbalancing effect. This further adds to the appearance of 'pert' buttocks.
We arrive at the finished female shape.
In Summary
The breasts allow a saving of energy by allowing the cantilever at the base of the spine to be less expensive to manufacture. In this way the peculiar female shape is simply explained.
The complaint that women could just walk, run, and stand in a stooped position and save all of this palaver is countered by noticing that generation after generation of millions of women are involved. The woman has to be completely optimized and a non-optimal stooping posture would simply be too 'expensive'.
Sporus does not know if this idea is novel. If it is he regards this article as conferring priority and will consider suing anyone who claims priority by going through conventional channels. The preposterous injustice of the existing arrangements for priority could do with ventilation.