I had an idea for a video for Portishead's Numb. I don't think I'm ever going to make it though. So, I'll put it here for the world to tear apart.

Portishead – Numb

Treatment and Script


Chris Braddock

Scene 1: Opening

A man enters an apartment or home. There is an old chair in front of a bookcase. The man walks up to a table with a bottle of booze, glasses, and a bucket of ice. He puts some ice in a glass and pours himself a drink. He walks over to a stereo and turns it on. He puts on headphones and sits down in the chair. He takes a drink, leans back in the chair, and closes his eyes.

Scene 2: Enter The Woman

A woman stands in a kitchen. She looks like a heroine addict. She leans over a sink. Her eyes are closed and her face shows emotional pain. She reaches into a drawer and pulls out a bottle of pills. She removes one and looks out of the kitchen towards the next room, where the man sits in the chair. She walks towards him.

Scene 3: Retribution

The man continues to drink. His eyes remain closed as he listens to the music. The woman kneels in front of him. She opens the pill and empties it into his drink. He continues to drink.

Scene 4: Conclusion

The man is slumped in the chair. His glass has dropped to the floor. The woman puts on her coat and leaves.