Probably the most famous onomatopoeiac line in English Verse, "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" comes from Matthew Arnold's poem Dover Beach. It refers to Arnold's metaphor of the "sea of faith", which he perceives to be retreating as science undermines faith.

Dover Beach was published in 1867, the same year that Karl Marx's Das Kapital was published, and the nation of Canada was confederated.

It should be noted that onomatopoeia does not only refer to Batmanisms like 'Boff' and 'Crash', but to any word of phrase who's sound re-enforces its meaning. This includes the extended, longing tone of "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" or the military repetition of "generations have trod, have trod, have trod" in Gerard Manley HopkinsGod's Grandeur.