An annual 3 day anime convention held in the Baltimore area. In its 7 year history, the con has grown from 350 attendees to 7,750 in the year 2000. Origionally created by students at Penn State, the event has grown into the largest anime convention on the East Coast, hosting famous Japanese animators, seiyuu, and even J-Pop stars. Fansubs are shown in viewing rooms, and cosplay has become very popular, especially during the masquerade, held on the second day of the con. The birthplace of Mystery Anime Theater 3000, and site of an anime rave. Video Gaming tournaments are held on the newest import titles, and panel discussions are conducted with industry heads and experts. Usually held in August creating an interesting environment for ludicrously huge foam haired costumers to survive in. Quite an awesome spectacle.

Also the handle of computer hacking guru Hal Emmerich in Metal Gear Solid was an homage to the convention, not the other way around.
Otakon Statistical Table

YEAR ATTENDANCE                             PROGRAMMING
   (PD  MEMBERS)                                     PROGRAM
1994    350        -      4      9A     16     2       2 
1995    450       +29%   15    2J/14A   25   3A/1HK  3P/1WS 
1996   1000      +122%   20    1J/9A    35   3A/1HK  2P/1WS 
1997   1750       +75%   22    3J/15A   45   4A/1HK  3P/2WS 
1998   2500       +43%   25    2J/22A   60   5A/1HK  2P/2WS 
1999   4500       +80%   30    5J/22A   80   5A/1HK  3P/2WS 
2000   7500       +60%   45    6J/20A/ 114   6A/1HK  3P/1WS 
2001   10275      +37%   65    4J/14A  180   6A/1HK  3P/1WS/
                                                     1 kids 
2002   12880      +25%   133   6J/9A   285   5A/1HK/ 3P/1WS/
                                             1F/1T   1 kids 
2003   17338      +35%   73    8J/13A/ 252   5A/1HK/ 4P/2WS/
                              1EU            1F/1T   1 kids 

Guests: A = American
        J = Japanese
       UK = United Kingdom
       HK = Hong Kong
       EU = European

Theaters: A = Anime
         HK = Hong Kong cinema
          F = Fan/Parody
          T = 35mm

Live Program Tracks: P = Panel
                    WS = Workshop

Statistics provided by