Updates! Firstly my website (mentioned below) has been down for a while, on account of having no DSL for ages after a house move. It's back up now (the DSL) and the website should follow soon.
Had a flurry of writeup-ing over the last couple of days. I stumbled across a bunch of articles I'd written then forgotten about, so I've been dusting them off, bringing them up to date and noding them.
Hooray for the e2 forum! In the spirit of addition, e2 needs a motorcycle club. But I'm too lazy (and lowly) to organise it. Let me know if you think it's a good idea or whatever.
Oh yeah, I also got my Sandan (3rd Dan) a couple of weeks ago, so feel free to send money etc, if you're into that kind of thing. :D
Here's a rough breakdown of my (ahem) better nodes by category, so that should you fancy a laugh or a little paranoia or some such you'll know where to go:
Funnies (ostensibly)
- thop
- Counterstrike to the Bill Gates Millions email hoax
- garlic mushrooms
- clumsy
- I am eighteen years old
- Hot Noodle
- That kinda Star Trek emergency power/battle stations lighting sorta thing
- Wikipedia Mathematics
- Chain letter email
- kill
- A Slice of Pi
- Single space after a period at the end of a sentence
- I've got to get away from all this escapism
- Feedback in Relationships
- Our world will change
- AI is a scary concept
I have a burgeoning website at www.malcolmmcclure.co.uk - visitors welcome.
Very recently I got my full bike licence and a yellow Honda CBR 600 (F4? - 1999 version anyway). It's as cool as you might expect, and so far I'm not dead. I'd call that a success!
I'm a keen Karateka (16 years) and Instructor (5 years), and currently hold a Nidan (second degree black belt). but no I've never been to Japan.
Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -6.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.05
... slap between Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Wow. I'm sure they feel honoured.
Woo, level 2 is upon me, (thanks to Hot noodle) so now I can vote! Here's my voting philosophy:
I never downvote.
That's about it. If you've nothing nice to say, say nothing. Let someone else spread the pain. Aside from that:
I upvote things that I enjoyed reading.
Since I can't claim to have any rigorous quality or content related predjudices, I feel that downvoting things would be an abuse of the power of the vote. But really it's just because I don't think one should punish people for taking a risk.