The overthrow of Allende by the CIA was done primarily to prevent further nationalization of industry in Chile. Allende and the Chilean congress sucessfully nationalized the copper mines, the steel and coal industries and most previously private banks. ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph), a U.S. company, stands accused of specifically requesting the CIA to overthrow Allende to prevent loss of profits to a nationalized telecommunications industry.

The following are Allende's last words, delivered on 9/11/73 as the Chilean Air Force was bombing the Palacio de le Moneda (the Presidential Palace):

Workers of my homeland: I have faith in Chile and its future. Other men will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason is trying to be uppermost. You must continue to know that, sooner rather than later, grand avenues will be opened where free men will go to build a better society.
Long live Chile. Long live the people. Long live the workers.
These are my last words, certain that the sacrifice will not be in vain. I am sure that there will be at least a moral sanction that will punish the felony, cowardice and treason.

Allende died in the palace.

The moral sanction, as of 9/11/02, has not yet ocurred.