English: "cock-a-doodle-doo"

Finnish: "kukkokiekuu"

French: "cocorico"

German: "kikeriki" (Courtesy of gwenllian.)

Hebrew: A proper Hebrew rooster will utter a kookooreekoo at dawn, emphasizing the first and third syllables should he wish to sound colourful. (Courtesy of undone.)

Japanese: "kokekoko"

Portuguese: "cocoricó" (Courtesy of e-anorexia.)

Norwegian: "kykkeliky" (Courtesy of Sverre)

Spanish: "quiquiriqui"

Swedish: "kuckeliku" (Courtesy of rollo)

please /msg p_i with further contributions to this (or other aspects to noises animals make in different languages), assuredly the best use yet found for the global forum that is the Internet.