On politics:

Is it possible, in this day and age, to speculate on the prospect of an election being 'fixed' without being made to come across as some kind of conspiracy-theorist? After all, amidst the corporatocracy, the media messaging, the electronic manipulations of our daily activities, it would seem almost less plausible to suppose that it wasn't so.

Now, if you frequent 'conservative' websites (which, unfortunately, seem to be overrun with advocates of sex-policing fascism than genuine concern for small government), you can not help but hear theories ten ways from Sunday as to how the election just passed was in fact stolen -- from tales of pick-switching voting machines and stacks of phony ballots, to notions that Hurricane Sandy was the product of military weather control technology, the air is thick with theories of nefarious actions which, if undone, would switch the result back to a victory for Mitt Romney.

To these charges I answer: suppose all of this is true. Do you think Mitt Romney, or Paul Ryan will do anything about it? Hell no, Romney couldn't get out there to concede the election fast enough -- even while these claimedly indefensible votes were still being counted!! Or Mitch McConnell, or John Boehner? Nope, Boehner has gone the opposite route, coming out almost right away to declare that now, "Obamacare is the law of the land." Similar kowtowing to the outcome of the election has been evinced by those who claim to be bastions of conservatism. Eric Cantor remains silent. GOP chair Reince Priebus turns and looks away. The bottom line is that by their silence, if not by active agreement, they're all complicit in any claimed election theft!!

Indeed, the present silence of the GOP establishment with respect to the legitimacy of this election is all the proof that is needed that this was by agreement, from some point, if not from the very the start. It is all-too easy to envision the set-up being made between them -- possibly before that third presidential debate, the one where Romney robotically 'me-too'ed Obama's foreign policy talking points, from Israel to drone attacks. At some point before that date, Romney and Obama and McConnell and Boehner and Cantor all came together and agreed: Obama gets reelected, Dems keep the Presidency maybe for four more years, (or who knows, maybe for forty), while the Repubs get to keep the House. Watch and see how few Repubs -- especially from amongst the ones who really control the GOP, its dollars, its decisions -- will actually express any opinion, or do anything at all, about the concerns conservatives have raised. Try it yourself. Call your nearest Republican Congressman or Senator or Governor and insist they stand up to this, and see how they respond in their public actions.

So if this election ought to prove anything to conservatives, anything at all, it is that elections no longer matter. There is no 'political solution,' going out and voting, digging into your own pockets to give money, making calls, ringing doorbells, it's all a worthless waste of time and money, a distraction designed to part you from a few dollars more while keeping you from looking behind the Republicrat curtain of cowardly corruption. It's a tax those who call themselves 'conservative' for public consumption trick you into paying in the form of 'campaign donations' by falsely swearing to take on the other guy.

Herman Cain was right, the "GOP" has been fully and irreparably compromised, infiltrated, rotted from within. It's time to dump the GOP and make a new actually conservative party. (Except that those parties already exist, they're simply suppressed by the Republicrat duopoly.)


Question of the day:
Why don't they just give Superman the Green Lantern ring?

In node auditing news:

teleny is done!! iceowl is done!!

junkill -- on page 2 of 4
jessicapierce -- on page 2 of 11

Blessings, all!!