user since
Sun Jul 10 2005 at 14:02:51 (19.7 years ago )
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Fri Feb 16 2007 at 21:22:24 (18.1 years ago )
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6 - View OzP1L's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / 64
mission drive within everything
to scribble down wot needs scribbling down
sodomy non sapiens
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Midget Gems
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I used to be OzPiL But the sodding computer died and took with it all me passwords and stuff to Deep Blue heaven.

You get nothing for nothing, if that's what you do

I'm new and it is scary here!

how does this pipelinking work then?

I suppose it would be polite to tell you some things about myself.....

1. I've never tasted Lobster.
2. I've never flown in a helicopter
3. I havn't visited 99% of the cultures in the world
4. I've never become fluent in a furrin' language
5. I'm still not 100% sure how to spell "foriegn"
6. I've never smoked a cuban cigar
7. I've never taken a motorbike over 140mph (not likely to either, unless I find meself on a racetrack, the roads are too rough here....and the police frown on excessive speed)
8. I've never had chickenpox (my family is immune aparently)
9. I've never seen an albino tiger
10. I've never taken anyone I love to Glastonbury Tor
11. I've never been able to remember me dad's birthday
12. I've never managed to write anything that I'm 100% happy with
13. I've never crashed a car (not when it was my fault, anyway)
14. I've never been married
15. I've never looked at a kid and been able to say "he/she/it is mine"
16. I never learned to swim
17. I've never had sex with another man
18. I've never eaten goat
19. I've never learned to keep me gob shut
20. I've never heard the B-side to Rock Around the Clock
21. I've never danced with a woman who was wearing a red dress
22. I've never been in a fight that involved more than a coupla dozen people
23. I've never really known what the word "eloquatious" really means
24. I've never seen an episode of Spongebob Squarepants
25. I never solved the Rubik's Cube
26. I've never met anyone that actually liked Scrappy Doo
27. I've never seen the Mona Lisa in the flesh (or the paint, as the case may be)
28. I've never been able to grasp the facination of a shopping mall
29. I've never owned a pair of crocodile shoes
30. I've never fired an automatic weapon
31. I've never managed to succesfully catch a fish (unless yer count a dead one that floated past, which I picked out the water)
32. I've never skydived (although I have done the parachute thing)
33. I've never learned the meaning of being temperate
34. I've never been able to resist being inquisitive
35. I've never laughed at someone I didn't like, if they were being funny or not
36. I've never been overly fond of the number 36
37. I've never met the Queen
38. I've never been able to eat garden mushrooms, then drink alcohol, without puking
39. I've never been able to go grocery shopping without acting the clown
40. I've never, never, trusted clowns.....bastards
41. I've never learned to ride a horse
42. I've never found anything endearing about a donkey
43. I've never been able to find the comedy tent at Glastonbury Festival
44. I've never seen a wild haggis
45. I've never met anyone from Scotland I didn't like
46. I've never had a sensible haircut (not since puberty anyway)
47. I still regret wearing a flourescent yellow and pink baseball cap when I was best man at me mates wedding (you should see the photo's.....I could die of shame, if I had any )
48. I've never played proffesional sports
49. I've never been able to sit in a room with peeps I found boring for more than a coupla mins (which is cruel, true, but life is too short to surround yerself with boring peeps)
50. I've never been able to walk in a park, see a swing, and not have a go on it
51. I've never been really sure if being naked in public is legal, or not (I've done it, just never had the nerve be naked and ask a copper at the same time)
52. I've never walked into a clothes shop and thought "that looks really nice, I think I'll buy that"
53. I've never intentionally grown a beard
54. I've never rode a camel
55. ...... or had a camel ride me
56. I've never had a boomerang succesfully return to me
57. I've never understood why they only use one side of a compact disk
58. I've never not enjoyed being happy when someone smiles or laughs
59. I've never understood the kerfuffle some peeps make about having, or not having, tons of cash
60. I've never touched a dolphin
61. I've never picked up a copy of LotR without at least glancing at the In the House of Tom Bombadil chapter
62. I've never read a Terry Pratchett book without laughing so hard, it brought tears to me eyes
63. I've never fallen in Love without wondering "how/why the fuck did that happen?"'s only happened three times, so I guess the future may give me more time for inspection (at least I hope it does).
64. I've never been able to resist the white sweets in a packet of Midget Gems
65. .... followed by the black ones
66. I've never had the opportunity to discover if a black man gets hairy legs or not......i don't recall seeing any black peeps with hairy legs
67. I'm not sure which language the Hanson song M-BOP is in
68. I've never been nervous in what some peeps call "awkward situations" ..... bank manager meetings, job interviews, meeting peeps for the first time etc
69. I've only met a handfull of peeps who I feel like "I've always known".....I'd like to meet more
70. I've never planted an Oak Tree
71. I've never been able to resist twisting the world, so it seems a funnier place

A few years ago a young lass wrote a poem about me

Oz by Joanne

Oz is a man with fire in his eyes
Oz is a man with fun in his thighs
Oz is a man with love in his heart
Oz is a man who takes time out to fart
Oz is a man who makes you smile
Oz is a man who is there all the while
Oz is a man with a sense of humour
Oz is a man who smokes like a trooper

Joanne wrote that at 23yrs old, after 23 yrs of being failed to be diagnosed with dyslexia. She finally got the expert tuition she deserved and that small, slightly cheeky, poem was the first piece she ever penned fully independantly. You can't buy the kind of pride I felt when she shyly handed me the piece of notebook paper with those words clumsily written on it.
If anyone wonders why I write, that is the reason.

from me messagebox: Siobhan says re July 13, 2005: *giggles*
This is also why I write.

oakling Transitional Man and Byzantine threw C's at me....Gratefully accepted. (and a quick thanks to those who commented/voted on the nodes I created with the OzPiL name your advice was appreciated)

Wot I look like (scroll down the page, click the Oz link) ...... for email and msn messenger.

Week 1:Noded a couple of frivolous factuals, surprisingly a few people found them to be interesting, recieved upvotes and good feedback. Noded daylogs (more as an excuse to practice html really, don't plan on too many daylogs)recieved some feedback, upvotes and quite a few downvotes. This surprised me at first, but reading into E2 brought to light that quite a few people here systematically downvote daylogs. Seems a waste of votes to me, but I suppose when you've been here a while and have votes to spare you can bugger about wasting them any way you want. Entered the Chatterbox a couple of times, got ignored. Fair enough, had nowt special to say and had no clue of the current 'box topic. Got interested in a nodermeet planned by a couple of people in Dublin on Halloween, contemplate going as more than a few people here seem incredibly interesting and I hardly need an excuse to return to Dublin, great city. Soon forget the idea as I see three newbies get the piss ripped out of them in the Chatterbox, E2 seems to sell itself as a community, indeed, it is a community, just a very odd one...certainly not a place where you should expect to be welcomed with open arms, which is fine as personally a warm community would have been a bonus, but not the main thing I was looking for in this site.
Overall, I'm very pleased. Recieved some good criticism and feedback and that was my primary hope from this place, to find willing readers who are happy to take the time to help novice writers. The Gods and Editors are very aproachable and advice from them has been prompt and explained well. Trundling my way through the FAQ and Everything University wasn't a chore at all, well written pieces for the new person. Read far too much on here and got lost among the homenodes (you can, and should, literally spend days finding gems on homenodes on here). Good fun and informative. More practice with html and moving from frivolous factuals to more indepth nodes required next.