The one person I will never forget. Her passion for life and ambition for love only rivaled by her completely stunning beauty.

She had been the drum major in our high school marching band. I'd always admired her secretly, and shared friendship with her for the four long years I spent wading my way through school.

Her graduation came a year before mine, and I regretted so deeply not having said anything to her while I had the chance. She left for school in South Carolina a few weeks later.

Somewhere around a year later, I was proudly making my way across the stage to receive my diploma when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Gina.

She was back for entire summer this time, and I finally had the chance to tell her how I'd felt in high school. She'd had the same feeings and the same fears. I'd build a relationship with her that blew my mind then, and still exceeds my ability to communicate my feelings properly.

It's now a year after that, and I still see her on breaks she has in school. She still works her magic on me every time. The summer is approaching soon, and she will return for a period of time as usual, but it will not be the same. I will never forget the summers with Gina.