Cholent (pronounced 'chunt'), is a dish traditional to European Jewry (Ashkenazim). It's designed to be prepared before the start of the Sabbath (Shabbat) on Friday afternoon, cook slowly overnight, and ready for eating for the next day. This is probably the ultimate in slow food. It's delicious, and you'll love it, but see the health warning below...


  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 5 onions, cut and fried
  • 2kg fat meat
  • 1/2kg soaked beans (should be soaked for 12 hours - pink beans are best)
  • 1/4kg barley
  • 4 potatos (peeled and cut up)


Add 1/2 tsp of hot paprika to taste

Put all the ingredients in a pot, fill with water slightly over the contents, boil and add the seasoning. Cook for 4 - 5 hours on a low heat (8 hours if you didn't soak the beans)

Health warning - this is a very heavy meal. If you have a stereotypical Jewish mother in the family, at all costs resist her pleading to eat just a little more. The feeling of lead in the bottom of your stomach will make it difficult (if not impossible) to get up from the table.

Recipe adapted from: