BE CAREFUL!!! Excessive eating of hollandaise sauce can be DETRIMENTAL to your dentures. Just listen to this anecdote.

My grandmother is one of those mature women who just can't change their ways. She always cooks delicious, but terribly fatty, foods, and she especially loves to include hollandaise sauce in any meal.

Well, five years ago, my grandfather lost a few teeth up front. He got dentures, but after a month of grandma's cooking, the plates were completely corroded. Thinking this was due to his purchasing cheap dentures, he was embarassed, and went to another dentist to buy the most expensive dentures there were.

It didn't work.

Finally he went to his initial dentist and told him about how he wasted so much money on two sets of plates. The dentist spent quite some time asking questions and ruling out possible causes. Only after 30 minutes did he think to ask,

"By any chance, do you eat a lot of hollandaise sauce? At least three times a week?"

"Well yes," answered grandpa. "My wife loves the stuff and uses it in nearly half of her dishes."

"Hmmm, well, I think the only answer is to get you some chrome dentures"

"But won't they be a little unsightly?" objected grandpa.

The dentist answered, "Possibly. But really, There's no plates like chrome for the hollandaise ."

Oh come on, with all of that build-up, you had to know a really bad pun was on its way.