A singer/songwriter from Melrose, MA. His most recent album, 'How We Spend Our Days' is excellent. It was released in 1999 on Made In Mexico Records, and it contains songs about smuggling, drinking, robbing, love, vanity, poverty, dancing, gambling and insanity. Of course, I love it.

How I was introduced to Walsh's music is pretty interesting. Out here in Seattle there is a college radio station based at the University of Washington called KCMU. In the morning they have a show from 6AM-10AM called, appropriately enough, 'John in the Morning'. For four hours John basically spins records that I would play if I had my own radio show, so I try to catch it whenever I can. It's a lot easier to listen to at work now that they are streaming over the web.

In any case, When he played Walsh's music, I thought that it sounded rather familiar, and when I got home that night, I happened to find an MP3 that I downloaded from MP3.com about two years earlier, and it was him! At that time he was calling his one man project 'Dirtbike'. If you're lucky, they still may have it up on their site. If not, go to my E2 user page and send me an email at the address listed.

Made in Mexico Records is pretty great, too. They also have Pedro The Lion (aka David Bazan) signed.

Walsh distributes his disc directly from his website at www.twwalsh.com, for 10 bucks. Or, you could just break Federal Copyright Law.

If you do get the album, here are the tracks you will find on it:
(in lowercase as per the TW Walsh web site):

tw walsh/how we spend our days

01. drunk and poor
02. the new north american friction
03. the polite way to rob a bank
04. silent movies
05. our names all sound the same
06. little engines
07. fear of dancing
08. how we spend our days
09. joining the gone
10. inching toward the pad
11. border patrol