French woman's magazine, which started publishing in 1937.

The publisher, Jean Prouvost, wanted a magazine aimed at women encouraging them to consider their own "autonomy, charm and personal development". It was banned when German forces occupied Vichy France in 1942, no doubt concerned that young mademoiselles seeking autonomy would want to subvert the new order. Marie Claire eventually reappeared in 1954, as privations in post-war Europe eased.

Jean Prouvost retired in 1976, and one of his daughters, Evelyne, took over. She started developing other woman's magazines under the umbrella of the Marie Claire Group : Marie Claire Maison, Marie Claire Idees, Marie France, Cosmopolitan, Avantages, Famili and Cent Idees Jardin. In 1977 L'Oreal bought into the group, allowing the magazine to expand internationally, however it wasn't until 1994 that an American edition was started. The group now publishes 26 international editions, usually through various joint ventures, and runs the internet portal iVillage.

Marie Claire is also the name of the jet setting Sorbonne educated, Napoleon Brandy drinking, topless swimsuit wearing former waif of Naples, who is the subject in the 1969 one hit wonder song by Peter Sarstedt : Where do you go to my Lovely ?.