I'm coming down with a cold. Heck, I already have a cold. I only say that I'm coming down with it because it attacked me very very suddenly. This morning I was fine, and now I feel terrible. My nose is stuffed up and my ears hurt and my throat hurts and I have a fever. And naturally, this will develop into a sinus infection as my colds always do.

But enough whining. Do you guys get the feeling that I only log on here to have a forum to whine in?

So, what haven't I told you yet? Oh, well, if you've been following my saga, you know I got into the Carnegie Mellon robotics PhD program. Well, on Wednesday, I got into Georgia Tech, and today I got into the University of Southern California. Three down, three to go. Come on, Stanford, don't let me down!!

Oh, and yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday. I got him the best present. I found cufflinks made out of old keyboard key. Now, when I say old, I mean really old-school keys. They are black and square and one of them says "home" and the other says "return". He's also a computer scientist, so naturally he loves them. Have you noticed how hard it is to buy really great presents? I mean, I know what I want, but how am I supposed to know what anyone else would like? So when the perfect thing just appears, it's a relief.

I had a meeting this afternoon with the two juniors who will be working on Robobuggy with me. I haven't noded Robobuggy yet, but I definately will. It's the research project that I'm working on this year, and I'm very excited about it, so I'll tell you all about it very very soon. The meeting was scheduled for 1:30, and for some reason, I had remembered that it was at 2:30. So, at 1:35, I was just getting back from lunch, when all of a sudden I thought "Hmm. I wonder if my meeting is at 1:30, not 2:30." And of course it was, so I was 20 minutes late. Sigh..

I was supposed to go to a ballet tonight, but we didn't get tickets. So I stayed home, ordered Indian food and watched television. I love game shows.

Well, that's about all that's cool in my life. Keep your fingers crossed for an exciting weekend so I can tell you something you actually want to read next time.