A United States military ID card is like the complete pass when it comes to all things military. It will get you on a base, it serves as medical insurance card, and it allows you to shop at the commissary, base exchange, and enjoy MWR. It is also recognized as a form of social security ID. Your social security number is printed on the front.

ID's for active duty personnel are green, retired personnel blue, and orange for dependent. Across the top, it says UNITED STATES UNIFORMED SERVICES. The picture is in the middle, and, to the left of the picture, there is a big presidential seal.

The front of the card contains the following information: SSN, name, signature, expiration date, sponsor SSN (if dependent), service status, rank/pay grade, and relationship to sponsor (if dependent). Across the bottom it says, IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVILEGE CARD.

The back of the card contains: date of birth, weight height, hair color, eye color, date of issue, status of medical insurance, civilian (y or n), effective date (the day the first ID was issued to you), and the expiration date again. In addition, there are two fields on the back for scanning, the name of the document type, (DD FORM 1173), the particular date that type was put into issue or last modified, (OCT 93 for mine, but there may be a newer version now.) and the words, "PROPERTY OF US GOVERNMENT"

There are holograms all across the front, a presidential seal rotated 90 degrees to the right with USA across it. The back of the card is an off white with tiny, green, blue, or orange (see above) presidential seals making a pattern. There are also two presidential seals on the photo, printed in thin lines. One of them is on the top right of the photo and the other is on the bottom left. Half of each seal actually goes across the photo, with the photo border cutting right through the center of each seal.

The plastic is hard, but thin and limber. You should be able to bend it almost 45 degrees on each side.

And yes, the military ID is a federally issued ID (no shit, sherlock) and is not only entirely valid but especially qualified for utilization in any situation which requires a picture ID.

(This one is especially for those of you who work at convenience stores and liquor stores. I keep getting turned down to buy alcohol because most people can't recognize a valid, federal ID card when they see it.