If anyone has recommendations for good life-management type software (for lack of a better category) for iPad, suggestions would be most appreciated.

With my frantic, probably-amateurish job hunt combined with my ongoing juggling-of-freelance-and-soon-to-disappear-day-job, and, oh yeah it's almost Christmas, I've been not-so-slowly turning into a stress monster, and my brain has helpfully risen to the occasion by developing some form of ADD. I am writing notes to myself so I don't lose track, but pretty soon I'm probably going to look like that guy from Memento.

I can carry my iPad around without it looking like a security blanket for a crazy person if I can keep the rocking and muttering to a bare minimum, but it would help if I could shake it like a Magic 8 Ball every so often and say "Oh, iPad, what the fuck was I supposed to be doing right now?" and it would say, "Lucy, print that W-9 and fill it out" or "Lucy, go edit some science" or "Lucy, post office, now!" Probably the voice activation part and shaking would be totally optional, but you get the idea.