A martial arts technique involving the use of the jo, a short staff (approx. 1.2m long) made from hard wood, such as oak, which was invented in the seventeenth century by Muso Gonnosuke.

After discovering that the bo staff was not effective enough when facing an opponent armed with a sword, he invented a different technique. Legend tells that it was by using jo-jutsu that he was able to overcome Miyamoto Musashi in combat, giving him the only defeat of his life.

The Shindo Muso-Ryu school was founded by Muso Gonnosuke, and taught sixty-four basic jo movements, designed to incapacitate or disarm rather than kill.

In 1955, a stripped down version of 12 movements were codified and jo-jutsu became jodo (the Way of the short staff).

One who practices jo-jutsu/jodo is called a Shijo, and generally wears a haori and a hakama.