Ownership is a mental construct. In fact ownership does not exist, save for the greed of any said human being. The fact that some humans think they can 'own' the dirt they live on, or the air-space above them, is ludicrous.

Why? Ownership stems from oppression. A world without ownership would exist just fine if people actually respected each other. I'm not condoning cult activities, rather the free access to information and the respect of society given to those who give the most in, rather than politicians and civil-service workers who only exist to perpetuate themselves.

It is fine to want to have, say.. a house of your own. But how fair is that as a human citizen when your brothers and sisters are living on the streets. While it may be that these people are not working, so don't deserve 'ownership' they are also not in a situation to give something positive back into the fold. The fact that human qualities such as comfort, happiness, and The satisfaction of living a useful existance, cannot be quantified, does not mean that 'ownership' is right and just because you can see the 'bottom line' in dollars.

Ownership of things such as intellectual property only propagates a system where there are haves and have nots. If you have an idea, firstly you should thank your environment for leading your mind to follow up such concepts.. since nothing you know is original. In the end, its all just an amalgamation of your life. Do you plan to pay back your parents for every dollar they spent raising you? Including the labour costs, and the time invested training you to think wisely? I think not, but you can give back freely, not only to help enhance others, but to enhance everything around you. People working together always achieve better, more efficient results than when working for their own greed.

I'd rather share my 8 crates of records, than have them stolen. at least i know who has them.. and how could i possibly enjoy every single record, every moment of every day? I keep them around as a convenience.. it is a serious luxury, from my experience, to have 'things'. People who have cars.. are living a luxurious existance.. even if it's a Dodge Omni. If someone really needed something, i'd give it to them, that's the kind of person i am. i go out of my way to share my ideas, my time (I do a lot of volunteer work), and spend precious intellectual property making people laugh FOR FREE.

I'd always rather be paid in support and people sharing their expertise, in trade for same. The only people we battle are ourselves (human race) with copyright and ownership issues.