Trikone is a graffiti artist in Calgary, Canada. Strike that. He's not really an artist, he's really just some person who writes his tag on stuff.

It's not hard to find Trikone's work. Virtually everywhere in Calgary you can see his tag; scribbled in pen or spray paint on benches and walls, or scratched into glass with a dull knife. Personally, I like the little stickers that say "HELLO, my name is Trikone."

Ground zero for this guy is the oh-so-hip 17th. Ave. SW, where every building, sign and even sidewalk is tagged with some variant of his name; either "Trikone", "Tr!k", or "Trik1", even "Sickone" on a defaced ad that now read "Sickone sleeps with me every night".

Not only that, Trikone is a multi-city tagger. His tag was spraypainted on a bridge somewhere in Yoho National Park. As well, it was scratch bombed on a bus shelter in Vancouver, 926 km from Calgary.

So who is the man behind the tag? The elusive legend of the street? Unconfirmed sources claim he's "a short guy, at most five feet tall." Which begs the question: how does he get his name so high up on the walls?