Today I rode the subway down to the World Trade Center to attend the GARP Credit Risk conference. Hanging around with Risk Professionals from banks--Nothing really special planned for Valentine's Day.

It's been at least a month since I last rode the subways, an eternity, considering I live in the city. Taking cabs everywhere is comfortable and convenient and faster, but not half so interesting.

Somehow, today, the ordinary people on the 1/9 subway seemed less hopeless, less tired from a hard day at work. The heavyset middle-aged woman in an uncomfortable suit was transformed into a smiling young girl again, staggering under the weight of two dozen roses. A father and daughter were sharing pastries at the other end of the car, and a young black woman was bearing dozens of 'I love you' balloons.

I'm not going to bitch and moan that I didn't get anything on Valentine's Day, that I don't have anyone. People on the subway have people who love them-- there's hope for the world yet.