There is an infinite beauty in living,
Breathing and listening
To the rhythm of the earth…

Artists merely tap into this haunting melody
And make vacuous shadows of the real
Beat that echoes

And curdles the blood of men and women
And sounds through the dreams of kings
The symphony

Of a sunset, the stattaco beat of the heart
As the body heats from a kiss
The music that roars

Soundlessly through the universe
The scale the world revolves in
With moans

Of the seasons, typhoons and dust bowls
Of the worlds pain and joy
The rumbles

Of a stampeding group of elephants
Charging the nearby store for bargain prices
And the percussion

Of the incessant tapping in class as the teachers
Drone on endlessly, the rhythm monotonous and
Overbearingly slow

Like the heartbeat of a great whale as it moans
Its sad song to the world, the sound vibrating through
The ocean wide, sonorous

The cry of a parent that outlived their child
Wild and aching, a piercing pain, sharper than the
Shriek of

Of pain as a teeth is uprooted and tossed

In it all.
There is beauty.