The Naked Bum

Everytime I use public transportation I see a jobless man standing at the subway station selling a magazine. The magazine is there so the man gets some income. It has been written by social workers and mostly contains stuff interesting to the jobless. I believe the magazine sells poorly. The magazine is not financed by sales, it is by donations.

I wonder whether this makes sense. Wouldn't it be better to have articles written by the jobless, instead of giving social workers something to do ? Why doesn't the magazine have the content which makes other magazines so popular ? Is standing there for hours with little success really improving the situation for the jobless ? Will it help them find a decent job afterwards ?

This leads me to propose the following to improve the situation: A magazine, named "The Naked Bum", which contains articles written by the jobless, pictures of naked jobless taken by dressed jobless and jokes collected by the jobless. I believe this would be a product that the general public would be interested in and in which pride can be taken in making and distributing it.

Surely, having assisted in the making of such a fine product, the jobless shall find it easier to find a new job, and a good new job. I, for one, welcome The Naked Bum.