With me being in Old Europe for the better part of two weeks to fulfill some workpromises in
London and meet my friends on the continent, there wasn’t a lot of time left to schedule a
e2 gathering, but thanks to the adaptability of the
Britnoders and their endless enthusiasm to get out and have a beer there will be a (miniature?)
nodermeet in the heart of the
East End. While the bars on the
South Island of
New Zealand aren't bad, I am craving for a little bit of decadence.
The choice of place is easy:
Soma is a fantastic little bar serving decent drinks and a couple of good beers on tab (Hoegaarden, Red Stripe, Pilsner Urquell) within an eclectic collection of sofas and tables and features some of the best goddamn music in the East End.
Wednesday, March 2nd 2005., 19:00
Soma is on 230 Mile End Road in E1 and directly in front of the only exit of Stepney Green tube station. Stepney Green is served by the District and Hammersmith and City Line and is only 10 minutes by subway from Liverpool Street and Stratford.
If you need advice on how to get to Soma, or if you need a place to crash, gimme a tinkle. Contact details on my Homenode.
...and fun it was!
A whole deskload of noders was perched around a little table, munching pizza, drinking Scrumpy, Paulaner and Pilsner Urquell: La petite Mort together with her Sweetheart, mysterious and deep Fondue, the ever so deep Tiefling and Teos with his enormous, er, camera, were there to light up my evening. LPM tried desperately over a timespace of 2 hours to tell the tale of Wertperch and Grundoon's wedding, Tiefy and Tey exchanged thoughts on religion and mathematics, Fondue very patiently and gently tried to explain to me the intricacies of mobile phone games.
For some strange reason, a slightly tipsy LPM continued to admire my soft facial and terminal hair (bald men have soft heads, ha!) and after 3 hours I had to leave rather inebriated.
But man, it was good.