(WARNING - Vent approaching.)

Not happy.

That's actually an understatement. I'm positively quivering with rage right now, actually. Normally this could be solved by having a good hard windmill round my room to something suitably furious sounding like Sadus's song "Certain Death," but that's no use. Not at the moment. Shrieking about what it feels like to have a stroke in all its gory details won't solve the problem - not even if the victim of this stroke is Jack Straw or Martin Salter or Harriet Harman.

Have you ever felt totally and unutterably powerless, like the world around you is melting and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it? Because that's pretty much how I feel right now. Here in Britain, and I shit you not, we are teetering on the edge of being in a police state. And two things that have happened today only confirmed these suspicions. Firstly, there's the new proposal which I just learnt about, coming 2009, for yet another giant database of everything you look at on the internet, every e-mail you send, every phone call you make, and so forth, administered by the Government, ostensibly to protect us from terrorism. The fact that 20 years ago we were under siege from terrorists who were I. well funded, II. competent, and III. whose finest hour was to come within six inches of wiping out the entire Cabinet, and we didn't need any of these Orwellian measures to beat the IRA, did we? Not to mention the inordinate number of people that could abuse this database to settle personal scores, or even sell the information to spammers and other assorted wasted orgasms - or "accidentally" post the discs to a remote shack in Horse's Creek, Nebraska. And then there's the cost and all that, but still we deserve to be spied on to this extent all in the name of fighting terrorism.

The second thing is that people honestly don't seem to give a flying, sailing, fuck. Even my fellow students, supposedly intelligent folks (well, they have three A's, but you know...) are completely unpertubed by such things as this. One particularly egregious dimbulb I spoke to yesterday said that if he was locked up for 42 days without charge on mere suspicion of terrorism, he'd actually be thankful that the police were doing their job properly!!! What a spineless worm he really is. The reason we have such short pre-charge detention limits is because it forces the police to come up with at least some reason why this person is to be taken off the streets and make it properly known to the public in general, thus making it more difficult for police officers to abuse their power against personal foes. He also went on to call me naive for allegedly understating the terrorist "threat". Despite the fact that we hear more about plots being foiled with current police powers than we do those that actually go off... not to mention that his handmaidens then told me to "sort my life out" because the majority of people wanted these measures when I mentioned that, thanks to the miracle of control orders, the only thing keeping all of us off house arrest is that we've kept our heads down. His advice? "Keep your head down then".



But why should I have to keep my head down? Isn't the whole point of liberal democracy that it fosters things like the marketplace of ideas and encourages individualism and sticking one's neck out because just about every advance in every field of the human experience, ever, has been made by people putting their bonces over the parapet. But numbskulls like him and his cohort would be just fine sitting in a well of stagnation and despondency, living as one of a legion of lawful automata, constantly in fear of the suicide bomber that never appears.

And what about the National Identity Register? "Well everyone else has one, and what have you to hide?" Not as intrusive as ours will be they don't, and what good will it be anyhow? The ban on "extreme pornography," perhaps? "Well I don't look at that sort of thing..." But what gives the State the right to pry that far into our private lives anyhow? The exclusion zone round Parliament? "It's needed to protect the Government from terrorists." Really? Have you SEEN the security measures round Parliament? They have fucking tank traps for fuck's sake. All these are widespread amongst my fellow students and they consistently fail to justify any of the needs for it outside of a vague "well, it's terrorism, isn't it?" or similar completel failure to understand the intricacies of the situation. Or that it's justifiable because the majority of people want it. And that makes it right how, you grinding afterbirth? What is this, mob rule?

Oh. And then there's the folks that say that I'd be a hundred percent behind all these measures if I'd lost someone in the July 7, 2005 bombings like they have? Wrong. Yano the News of the World headline that went "Tell Tony He's Right" soon after with a picture of someone holding a bloodstained bandage to his face? He was in the bombings and he was against 90 day detention and control orders and has since said so, and was particularly narked that his photo had been used without his permission to push a point of view that he vehemently opposed.

As an aside, I'm with Fondue on his idea that politicians should be barred from basing their policies on the emotions of grieving mothers, but that's by the by.

People today are so absorbed by red top tabloids and celebrities and reality TV and other shitbagging nonsense to care. In fact, it's almost like they don't want to care. As long as they get their tart fuel and goss and so forth, they're perfectly happy to live out their lives in blissful ignorance that Jack Straw only need give the nod and all of them will have their assets frozen and be placed on house arrest indefinitely, without ever having had to go before a judge for all of this, with no chance of appeal whatsoever, with anyone who interacts with them in any way being liable for a seven year prison term, and without even having the reason for their being put on control order made public because to have the charge against them revealed would allegedly be to compromise national security (As an aside, I cannot conceive of how the mere facts of the matter being contrary to national security could ever come about, but then again, this Government just unilaterally banned any and all adult content that it doesn't like, so nothing surprises me any more.)

I shouldn't be writing this. I'm only 22, for crying out loud. It feels like I'm the one-eyed man in the land of the blind. People are just totally uninterested in having these safeguards and things and freedoms. I've tried talking to them. None of them care, ever. None of them would care even if they did have their privacy data-mined on a daily basis and had to give 56 bits of information, including credit card details, complete itineraries and names and addresses of everywhere they plan to stay, fingerprints, DNA, retinal scans, and so forth, just to leave the country on holiday.

And because I actually take an interest in what's going on, I need to "sort my life out." Bollocks. You're the ones who need to sort their life out, you miserable, flaccid, fucks. What would it take you to actually take an interest and DO SOMETHING about our approaching topple into the abyss of tyranny, hm? Detention without trial for 28 days? Being locked up for three years for possessing the "wrong" sort of smut or for reading pamphlets by the "wrong" people? Being put on control order? Being waterboarded? Being trowelled in the cunt - and if you have no cunt, one will be provided for you? Because most, if not all, of you, could do with any or all of those so you get the message.

In closing, I strongly suspect that my card is marked. Because during the extreme pornography wrangle I wrote to several MPs and Lords about the ban voicing opposition to it. My local MP being Tessa Jowell, who strongly supported this ban, she probably passed my details on to the Met. Who will probably subject me to the midnight knock come January 2009 and the coming into force of this Act.