The two languages to which gematria is most frequently applied are
Hebrew and Greek.
The letter-values of the Hebrew Alphabet (transliterated in the manner
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn):
Aleph (ALP) A 1
Beth (BITh) B 2
Gimel (GML) G 3
Daleth (DLTh) D 4
He (HH) H 5
Vau (VV) V 6
Zain (ZIN) Z 7
Cheth (ChITh) Ch 8
Teth (TITh) T 9
Yod (IVD) I 10
Kaph (KP) K 20 (final value: 500)
Lamed (LMD) L 30
Mem (MIM) M 40 (final value: 600)
Nun (NVN) N 50 (final value: 700)
Samekh (SMK) S 60
Ayin (OIN) O 70
Pe (PH) P 80 (final value: 800)
Tzaddi (TzDI) Tz 90 (final value: 900)
Qoph (QVP) Q 100
Resh (RISh) R 200
Shin (ShIN) Sh 300
Tau (ThV) Th 400
(Note: "final" values may optionally be used if the letter is at
the end of a word.)
The letter-values of the Greek Alphabet:
Alpha (ALPhA) A 1
Beta (BHTA) B 2
Gamma (GAMMA) G 3
Delta (DELTA) D 4
Epsilon (EPsILON) E 5
Zeta (ZHTA) Z 7
Eta (HTA) H 8
Theta (ThHTA) Th 9
Iota (IWTA) I 10
Kappa (KAPPA) K 20
Lambda (LAMBDA) L 30
Mu (MU) M 40
Nu (NU) N 50
Xi (XI) X 60
Omicron (OMIKRON) O 70
Pi (PI) P 80
Rho (RW) R 100
Sigma (SIGMA) S 200
Tau (TAU) T 300
Upsilon (UPsILON) U 400
Phi (PhI) Ph 500
Chi (ChI) Ch 600
Psi (PsI) Ps 700
Omega (WMEGA) W 800
(Note: the "missing" values of 6 and 90 are taken, respectively,
by the obsolete letters Digamma (F) and Koppa (Q).)