Samar, the third largest of the Philippine Islands; S.E. of the E. part of the island of Luzon, from which it is separated by the Strait of San Bernardino; and the extreme E. of the Visaya group. On the S.W. it is separated from the island of Leyte by the Strait of San Juanico, the W. coast is bounded by the Western Sea, and the E. coast by the Pacific Ocean. The island is mainly mountainous, although there are many fine valleys under cultivation. Samar extends 156 miles from N.W. to S.E., 75 miles from the E. to W., and has an area with adjacent islands of 5,488 square miles, pop. 266,237. There are many find kinds of wood, numerous varieties of wild fruits, various kinds of bamboo, roots suitable for food, rattan, game, and fish. Besides cocoanuts there is a large production of oil, rice, and hemp. On Sept. 28, 1901, a large body of insurgents surprised Co. C., 9th United States Infantry, while its members were at breakfast, and killed 48. The remaining 24 members, of whom 11 were wounded, escaped to Basey. On Nov. 7, 1901, the command of Maj. L.W.T. Waller captured the rebel stronghold at Sojoton, and by June, 1902, the rebel leaders had been captured or surrendered, and civil government was established.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.