user since
Thu Dec 14 2000 at 15:13:22 (24.3 years ago )
last seen
Tue Oct 26 2004 at 16:22:05 (20.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
42 - View ErisDiscordia's writeups (feed)
level / experience
2 (Acolyte) / 517
mission drive within everything
To balance order and chaos, not considering either one to be inherently good or evil
ordered chaos, chaotic order
Everything is somehow related to the number 5.
most recent writeup
square brackets
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I have been a Discordian since around 1990. I'm a guy. While it may seem blasphemous to name yourself after a deity, especially since other Discordians have taken more humble names like George Dorn, I've always used this name on the Internet wherever possible, and I just automatically snapped it up here. I have ADD, I like experimental music, especially music involving media collage, and I work as a translator in the Czech Republic, where I have lived for the last 7 years. I am also a computer game addict and a former ecological activist, whose main, unsuccessful task was to stop a nuclear power plant.

Nice shirt!
Memo to myself: Node the dumb things I gotta node...
  • Church hymns
  • Nuclear power plants of the world
  • still-unnoded aspects of Discordianism
  • alternative and underground record labels -- Nonesuch, Noise New York, Homestead, etc.
  • culturally-important figures from the Czech Republic
  • Ostrava
  • Ceske Budejovice
  • Karel Capek
  • MacDoodle Street
  • Despotic Conquest
  • One-City Challenge
An 'onymous user on the dangers of Everything2:
If the internet is as addictive as smack, E2 is like heroin-soaked triple-tar Laramies... :)