user since
Sun Aug 11 2002 at 03:13:16 (22.6 years ago )
last seen
Wed May 17 2006 at 17:57:58 (18.9 years ago )
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9 - View Eevee's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / 81
mission drive within everything
get to level 2
coding and math thingies, I suppose, ask me if you want details
never doubt the Eevee
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well, I guess it's time I changed this a bit...

Boring stuff: I'm male, I'm 16, I'm bi, I'm single, I'm furry, I'm whatever word you want to use for not religious, and my favorite color is blue. I'm currently a college freshman attending UAH and aiming for a BS of comp sci... maybe doubled with math, or something, I dunno.

I don't have too many writeups, no... this is because (a) I have horrid self-esteem/image/worth/whatever that likes to tell me nobody would want to read anything I have to write, (b) I was a bit blank when I registered, and (c) I completely forgot about E2 for a while. Oopsie.

I'm a geek, yes (why else would I want a compsci degree?), and generally cling to Perl as the greatest language ever created. I code a lot, but nothing terribly exciting or useful or finished since I can't think of anything good to CODE either. I lack creative juice. The only projects I've really gotten very close to finishedness are an online Perl/mySQL-based Pokedex, a color picker thingy program that spawned from idle experimentation the first time I touched Visual Basic, a very simple two-player implementation of Hex written in C++ to teach myself how to use Allegro and occupy myself in a very boring CS class, and a spinoff of Chip's Challenge written in QBasic. I have no idea where the code for the last two went, and it makes me sad.

My main computer is a Dell Inspiron 600m laptop that sadly runs a not-quite-legal copy of Windows XP Pro, which I compensate for by using all the open-source crap I can get my paws on; Mozilla, X-Chat, Gaim, Apache, Perl, Dev-C++ (is that OSS?), etc. I also have a Linux box running some version of Gentoo at a friend's apartment lying dormant; eventually I shall restore it to its former glory as a webserver and high concentration of free hard drive space.

(I'm considering gathering all the geeky furs I know and forming a company, since that just sounds like a cool idea. I just don't know what we'd do, besides plot to take over the world.)

I'm not much of a gamer, but I'll play Quake 3 on occasion and enjoy both playing and mapping/scripting for ZDoom. I like Pokemon (obviously), and will play that on occasion too... then get bored walking around killing things and toss it aside for a little while.

I don't pay any attention to politics in general but Bush sure looks stupid to me; I enjoy math in general; I used to be able to solve a Rubik's Cube in a minute and a half but you can only do that so many times before it starts to get old; I like semicolons, changing parts of speech illegally, and tacking prefixes and suffixes onto anything I deem worthy; I hate websites with links that open in new windows since it breaks the whole tabbed browsing thing; and I have to go start a history paper.

AIM LexyEevee; ICQ 21561478; YIM lexyeevee; MSN

~ nearly 5 a.m., Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Just for the hell of it, this is what my homenode USED to say:

I am boring. I am not simply boring, I am EXTREMELY boring. Unfortunately, nobody seems to agree with me on this and tells me I'm exciting and interesting and blah blah blah; meanwhile, I'm playing with my Rubik's Cube.

I am also quite lazy, which partly explains why in 15.6 years I still haven't managed to make a website. The other part of the explanation stems from the fact that I am boring and have no content.

I'm also a geek and aspire to be... well, a geek, so I guess I'm set. I literally have to be pried away from a keyboard, often with keys such as $ and ; still clutched in my paws. That said, I'm also a fur and addicted to Perl.

I would install Linux if I could be buggered (see paragraph 2), but for now I'm happy with Windows XP. And I love it, dammit. I've had people tell me that XP sucks, but when questioned they could only reply with "it just sux d00d :p" or "because it's Micro$oft". Thus, I shall continue to use XP, and maybe install Linux alongside it if I'm feeling masochistic someday.

I'm better at playing Quake III Arena than most inanimate objects, and by being an evil bastard I can sometimes kick ass, even against a RailGod... but only if I have a rocket launcher.

Tomorrow (August 13, 2002) I start my senior year of high school. One of my classes appears to be on Visual Basic 6. My problem with this is not that I dislike Visual Basic (which I don't.. well, VB6 is awful) or that I already know how to use VB6 (which I do), but that I have Visual Basic .NET at home. I will most likely be trying to use BOTH at the SAME TIME and their greatly differing levels of suckingness will cause my brain to explode. Either that or I'll just turn in any and all homework written in .NET and spend the classtime playing TKEP.

I'm an atheist, I'm bi, my favorite color is blue, I still play Doom, I still like Pokemon, and I really don't want to go back to school.

addendum: Silly me, forgetting a little detail like this - I'm male!