Another day, another day log. Well I am a level four user now. I no longer need to rely on the caprices of the wheel of surprise or random hand outs in order to ching write-ups. I have Chord and locke baron to thank for that. I am bit surprised that they thought The Cats of Ulthar and Autum 1112 where worth chinging. I guess the lard kitten theory of E2 stands. On that note I've discovered an inconsistency. Of all of my write ups the very first has the most votes and the most down votes. It was hidden. How? Why? What's even weirder is that when I organize my w/u according to "Times Viewed" it puts it at the bottom. So it has the most votes and the least views?

I have a lot of things that I want to write, some on this site and some off. Autum 1112 is a story that I hope to continue writing one day at a time. I've seen so many wonderful web serials and short stories on this site and if Worm was any indicator it looks like the serial stories might be making a come back thanks to the net. I really want to participate in that.

Well, I think that's about enough self indulgent hard linking for tonight.