Mary was buried with great solemnity, as ordered by Elizabeth, in
Peterborough Abbey (now
Peterborough Cathedral). This seems to have been somewhat of a dumping ground for unwanted Tudor Queens -
Catherine of Aragon is also buried there.
In 1612, her son, now king
James I of England and Scotland, had her body exhumed and moved to a rather grander setting in
Westminster Abbey. Showing impressive
magnanimity, he had performed the same service for Elizabeth's body six years earlier in 1606, and both Queens now lie opposite each other in the Lady Chapel in equally grand tombs.
Much confusion is caused by the placard on Elizabeth's tomb, which reads:
"Partners both in throne and grave, here rest we two sisters, Elizabeth and Mary, in the hope of one resurrection." This does not refer to Elizabeth and Mary Stuart, but rather to Elizabeth and Mary Tudor (aka
Bloody Mary,
Mary I), who are buried on top of each other in the same tomb. As such, it represents a rather touching call for reconciliation between sectarian groups.