A curved woodworking tool of the shaving variety, for removing wood from curved places or other recesses.

There are two kinds of scorp: One-handed and two-handed. As you might expect, the difference is strictly a matter of size — they both work exactly the same way. The two-handed version is basically a bent drawknife, while the one-handed is so curved that the ends join back to themselves and form a circle, with a single handle attached at the top. It looks (and to some extent acts) like a very short gouge that cuts backwards.

Scorps come in every size from less than a quarter inch up to more than a foot in diameter. Generaly speaking, the shift from one-handed to two-handed seems to occur somewhere just upwards of the two-inch diameter mark.

Scorps are most useful for carving hollow areas such as chair seats, bowls, spoons, shovels, low spots in carvings, or the insides of barrels. If you need to quickly remove a lot of wood from a flat area, you can also make good use of one, by making a lot of small hollow areas that are all the same depth and then removing the leftover bits with some flatter cutting implement.