Newton was evil. John Flamsteed had helped Newton out on his Principia Mathematica, but then witheld information from him. Newton then seized all of Flamsteed's work and had it published Flamsteed's mortal enemy, Edmond Halley. But in the nick of time Flamsteed won in court, against the publication of the information. Because of this Newton had him excised from future editions of the Principia.

And then there was Gottfried Leibniz. Both Leibniz and Newton had been working on calculus. Newton had discovered it first, but Leibniz had published his own findings before Newton did. Because of this Newton accused Leibniz of plagarism, and rigged the review comittee. All the members of the comittee were Newton's friends, and he wrote the comittee's 'findings' himself, as well as an anonymous review of those findings. Following Leibniz's death from a heart attack, he addmitted to enjoying breaking Leibniz's heart.