This was a dream from about a week ago.

I am a successful scientist for a research laboratory somewhere (looks like somewhere in the mountains, possibly Russia) and my research group have been working on a project which I do not remember the specifics of but I believe it involved me testing a prototype vehicle on a racetrack.

We had managed to achieve the goals of the project with spectacular results, and me being the man of the moment was in high praise of all the others.

There was a party that followed which was typical of the sort held after a major discovery or breakthrough had been achieved, so everyone was busying themselves getting drunk and patting themselves on the back for a job well done. As everyone was in such high spirits and joyous moods, I felt quite the centre of attention. So I slipped outside (from the outside the building looked like a Swiss chalet) I was soon joined by a friend (from the conscious world) who, although had a distinct attractiveness, I still just considered a friend.

After a brief moment of peace, she walked over to me and began to talk about what was going on inside the chalet but stopped when she saw the uninterested look in my eye. She asked me what was wrong but I just shrugged and took a deep breath of the cold and bitter air.

She approached me and proceeded to try and wrap her arms around me but I was taken aback by this sudden move (she was in a stable relationship in reality), so I stepped back and tripped, and we both ended up falling back into the snow bank. Amongst the cold I could only feel her warm presence attached to me and I felt quite warmed inside.Unfortunately I woke up at this point, realising it was still early in the morning I tried to go back to sleep and return to the dream but it was gone.